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Kolejny acet, który nie

Kolejny acet, który nie definiuje państwa tak jak Ty i był anarchistą ->

"The essence of government is that is permits no secession.

Men may long for the abolition of political abuses of the present; - they are compelled to support them. Men may regard war as murder; they pay each his quota to support it.

Men may regard churches as deleterious in their influence and immoral in their teachings, - by the exemption of churches from taxation we are all assessed to support them.

And so on. The intelligent, the progressive must retire until they can find a majority to agree with them.

Therefor it is that Anarchists abjure and denounce the system of compulsory taxation, which is the essence of government.

In denying compulsory taxation we deny government in any proper sense of the word.

A protective association, protection only those who wish to pay for protection, and refraining from territorial dominiou, is not a government. "

nie jesteśmy sobie nic dłużni - Max S.


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