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Tolerence March took place in Krakow.
Anin, Nie, 2008-04-27 20:54 Kraj | Dyskryminacja | EnglishApproximately 800 - 1000 persons participated in Krakow's Tolerence March ( 26.04 ) which was during Culture for Tolerance Festival. Amid colorfull baloons and rainbow's flags participants walked from Matejko's Square to Market. On banners we could see slogans like : "Everyone is Different - Everyone is Equal ", "Love doesn't know gender" , "Rainbow's Familly - Happy Family" , "Two fathers aren't the same as one is" , "Everyone can love".
Members of National Polish Revival ( NOP ) and football supporters tried to disturb by throwing eggs ,petards and stones. There was - like always - the hit of NOP's boys and girls : jumping after yell: " who don't jump is fairy! ". Beyond that they yelled : " We will do with you what Hitler did with Jews ", " Death for Fairies " , "National Radicalism" , and other slogans that, as they claim "have nothing to do with nazism".Before that All-polish Youth (Młodzież Wszechpolska) realised rather rickety happening.