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Napisalismy, ja wraz ze

Napisalismy, ja wraz ze stowarzyszeniem, gdzie kobiety recznie produkuja olej arganowy w wiosce jakies 80 km od miasta Agadir w Maroku oraz znajomymi ze Szkocji, petycje po angielsku w sprawie Bartosza. Troche niepotrzebnie sie meczylem z tlumaczeniem z polskiego na angielski, bo widze na stronie IP jest tekst po ang. No ale petycji jeszcze nie ma, wiec dla tych co nie maja duzo czasu lub nie znaja jezyka ang na tyle by tlumaczyc przekazuje sam tekst petycji by wrzucili w jakimkolwiek programie tekstowym.
Acha czlonkowie stowarzyszenia wyslali przy mnie w jezyku angielskim poparcie na stone IP i tutaj.
Jestem goszczony u nich od 10 dni, udzielaja pelnego poparcia dla sprawy.
Podpisujemy petycje i chcemy ja wreczyc w srode lub czwartek. Idziemy do Konsulatu Honorowego RP w Agadir.

We the undersigned, friends and supporters, demand Bartosz Kantorczyk is given his job as postman back. Kantorczyk is a member of the trade union Inicjatywa Pracownicza (The Workers Initiative).
He was employed by Poczta Polska (The Polish Post Office) and was unfairly dismissed after refusing to carry a large sum of money, considering it a dangerous task, (reason being insufficient security).
Bartek Kantorczyk was the initiator of postal strike in November 2006 concerning workers rights who had to work overtime with no extra pay. Kantorczyk was one of the postmen who worked everyday for more than 10 hours.
The sudden decision of The Polish Post Office clearly illustrates the political interests of this company.
He was a dedicated and loyal employee who has been penalised in this situation. This decision is not only an unlawful civil decision but also unlawful in Polish law. The Polish law states that the employer is obligated by the law to discuss any and all decisions with the trade union.

Rightfully his position is secured under the terms and conditions of Inicjatywa Pracownicza (The Workers Initiative) trade union. In this circumstance his position has obviously been exploited.
In this particular situation The Workers Initiative are accusing the Head Office of the Poczta Polska of violation of workers human rights and breaking the law.
Section 160 in Polish law (art. 160 kodeksu karnego).
Concerning Safety
To jeopardise someones safety is a serious offence even if the person concerned hasn’t been affected yet.

We hope this unfortunate issue will be resolved forthwith. Knowing that this petition is being
acknowledged in many countries.

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