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Konferencja prasowa

Konferencja prasowa południowokoreańskiej konfederacji związków zawodowych:

Open letter to the Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda On Criminalization of Protest

Hokkaido, Japan -- 6 July 2008

We – environmentalists, social movements, peasant farmers, workers and civil society organisations – in solidarity with 23 Korean farmers and trade unionists who were denied entry to Japan denounce the authorities’ unwillingness to allow their participation in civil society events taking place parallel to the G8 summit on 7th until 9th July. Among other issues, the unionists and farmers were to raise awareness about the millions of Koreans who have been mobilising against their markets being forced open to the imports of American beef despite concerns of mad cow disease and the negative consequences for local food production and consumption.

Organisations from around the world are protesting and holding public
events in order to condemn the corporate-driven economic policies that are being ruthlessly being pursued by G8 countries with disregard for their impacts on people and the planet. Due to reports from many signatory organisations, it appears that has been a broader, systematic approach to hinder civil society representatives
entering Japan during the G8.

We would like to give a special thanks to the people of Hokkaido for their very warm welcome to such a beautiful region. We would like to express our concerns regarding the over-reaction of the police during protests and activities so far. We are disappointed that Japan, as host of the G8 summit, is criminalising freedom of expression. It is unacceptable for Japan, the G8 or any other countries to prevent healthy, critical debates from taking places alongside international meetings where decisions are being made that will affect the lives of millions of people around the globe.

Anti-Debt Coalition (KAU), Indonesia
Asian Migrant Centre
Batis Center for Women, Philippines
Centre for Promotion of Economic and Social Alternatives, Cameroon
Committee for the Abolition of the Third World Debt (CADTM)
Equity Bd., Bangladesh
Focus on the Global South
Freedom from Debt Coalition (FDC), Philippines
FSU Trade Union, France
G8 Action Network Japan
IMADR, Japan
Jubilee South-Asia Pacific Movement on Debt and Development (JS-APMDD)
Korean Confederation of Trade Union (KCTU), Korea
La Via Campesina
LDC Watch
Migrant Forum in Asia (MFA)
NO-VOX Japan
People’s Movement Against Neocolonialism-Imperialism (Gerak Lawan), Indonesia
Rural Reconstruction Nepal (RRN)
South Asia Alliance for Poverty Eradication (SAAPE)
Trade Union Basques (ESK), Basque Country
Unnayan Onneshan Bangladesh
Friends of the Earth International
No-Vox France
Attac France

For more information on this event or to arrange interviews contact:

Mr. William Kramer: [+81] (0)90 5542 3194 (English, Spanish, Some French)
Mr. Shinya Takeda: [+81] (0)80 2091 0813 (Japanese, English)

Or see


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