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Japonia: Najazd policji na związek

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4 lipca około setki funkcjonariuszy policji dokonało nalotu na siedzibę związku zawodowego kolejarzy Doro-Chiba. Związek brał aktywny udział w protestach przeciw szczytowi G8. Jest to kolejna z serii podobnych próba zastraszania związków i innych organizacji społecznych sprzeciwiających się polityki najbogatszych krajów oraz korporacji.

Przez 3,5 godz. przeszukiwano biuro. Gdy jeden z członków zarządu Doro-Chiba, wskazał funkcjonariuszowi na poważny błąd w nakazie przeszukania, został aresztowany.

Oświadczenie Komitetu Solidarności Pracowników Transportu w jez. angielskim:

TWSC Statement of Solidarity With Doro-Chiba Against Raid By Japanese Police Forces During G-8 Meeting

The Transport Workers Solidarity Committee TWSC protests the vicious assault on the offices and members of Doro-Chiba union on July 4, 2008. Using false pretenses, the Japanese police forces were alledgedly looking for evidence of illegal activity in the protest against the G-8 conference in Japan. This effort to intimidate and silence those unions, workers organizations and many others who are protesting this governmental meeting is a flagrant violation of democratic rights. The record of the G-8 is a history of trampling on the rights of working people not only in the under-developed world but in the more industrialized countries. This organization which is fundamentally a tool of the United States and the multi-nationals which run it has pushed deregulation, privatization and the destruction of democratic rights for working people. The world drive by the G-8 and other organizations representing the billionaires to destroy the labor movement through privatization, deregulation and other union busting policies must be stopped. These neo-liberalism policies have been opposed by US workers including the shutdown of all West Coast ports by the ILWU to protest the November 1999 meeting of the WTO. The ILWU also joined with many other protesters.
The G-8 has also supported the US military invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, their occupation and the militarization of world.

One of the main reasons that the Japanese government has taken this effort to intimidate and terrorize the Doro-Chiba union is that it is one of the leading union forces in Japan to fight militarization and war. We will organize internationally to protest these assualts and particularly the violent attack on Doro-Chiba member Kawasaki.

We also call for the release of all those protesters who have been arrested and jailed for their opposition to the G-8.

Finally we urge letters of protest to Japanese officials and also actions at all Japanese consulates around the world.

Letters with email copies posted to the TWSC should be sent to:

Police Inspector: KOJIMA Yuji
Metropolitan Police Department, Public Security Division, Public Security No. 1 Section
Address: Zip code 100-0013, 2-1-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo
Phone: +81-3-3581-4321

Transport Workers Solidarity Committee
July 8, 2008


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