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Budapest: Demonstracja antyfaszystowska

2009-02-14 10:00
2009-02-14 23:00

Valentine's Day another Way!

Co rok, naziole prowadzą swój "Dzień Honoru" w Budapeszcie. Wydarzenie to przyciąga wielu faszystów z różnych krajów. Dzień Honoru odbędzie się 14 lutego - a antyfaszyści organizują kontrdemonstrację.

Info od antyfaszytów:

Who we are? ---- Self-organized, autonomous collective of different people: students, workers, activist, unemployed. We are anti-capitalist and antifascist. We don't organize in an institutional way, but we encourage everyone to organize themselves in an autonomous, grass roots way. We are independent from all political parties, NGOs. We are for equality, dignity, freedom.

What do we want? ---- We want to show that you are not alone! We are everywhere and we are strong and we have to stop being silent! We got enough of last years racists riots. We are against both Hungarian Guard and all other nationalist, racist groups and organizations who discriminate, threaten and attack people because of their skin color, religion or sexual orientation. We are
against all forms of racism, not only white racism! And we are also against neoliberals, who support and push capitalism which does the same discrimination on the market and make people's life miserable.

What is Blood and Honour and the Honour Day?

Blood and Honour is an international nazi militant network which spreads
the politics of hate and violence through subcultural channels. This is
one of the most developed forms of harmful nazi paranoia. They are not
only against any group of people with certain political views but against
almost all individuals. They deny and attack every culture which is
different from theirs and they want totalitarian power. The Honour Day is
held since 10 years in every February, to commemorate the desperate
outbreak attempt of the German and Hungarian nazi troops from the
surrounded castle hill. On this celebration the leaders of different nazi
parties make speeches.

This hate speech calling for the supression of minorities and the weak
inspired many people in the riots of the last years and supported the
formation of right wing militant groups.

We protest against their commemoration because they use such events for
international meetings and strategic discussions, for the display of force
and for intimidation and discrimination. We do not demand the
illegalisation of their organisations because it will not stop them. They
can form new organisations under different names or continue to operate in
illegality, and become stronger. The best way to fight them is through
collective social action in which everyone participates!



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