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8 squatters from Poznan were

8 squatters from Poznan were arrested today morning during an eviction of a new punk squat in Poznan city centre (the building was squatted for 2 months).
The people arrested were not only the squatters from this squat but also people from Poznan's oldest squat Rozbrat (www. rozbrat. org), who came to support them. There is a picket in front of the cop station taking place right now. The eviction of the squat was announced by cops few days ago, but it was also illegal, they had no warrant to come into the building. Media were called and they filmed everything.

The cops told the people showing solidarity that if they protest in front of the cop shop then the arrestees will be kept inside longer. Also, there are 10 people demonstrating in front of the police station so they are fully legal, as only gatherings of over 15 ppl can be called illegal in Poland.

The cops really want to threaten all the comrades involved, but I don't think they will succeed.

All of the squatters got charged with a breach of house peace. They are being released already or should be released soon.

video from corporate media:


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