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Konsulat USA przedstrzega przed głosnymi demonstracjami anarchistów

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Konsulat amerykański w Krakowie przestrzega swoich obywateli, że "anarchiści z całej Europy" planują demonstracje w Krakowie i ma być głośno. Pracownicy konsulatów jednak nie przestrzega ludzi przed demonstracjami grup terrorystycznych. 19 lutego policja planuje swoją demonstrację a 20 lutego, pracownicy przemysłu zbrojnego pójdą ulicami Krakowa.

Poniżej dołączamy 2 teksty - pierwsza wersja z Konsulatu i wersja poprawiona.

February 18 through 20, 2009

The American Consulate in Krakow would like to advise American citizens living in, or traveling to, Poland that several groups are planning demonstrations in the city of Krakow on February 18, 19 and 20th. Anarchist groups from across Europe are planning to gather in the main market square and in the vicinity of the Sheraton Hotel in protest against the planned NATO conference, which is scheduled to take place in Krakow on those days. Additional demonstrations are also planned in the vicinity of the Cracovia Hotel and Blonia Park. Media sources estimate that several thousand protestors may participate in the demonstrations.

According to local police, no violence is expected but the crowds will be loud. We remind American citizens that even demonstrations intended to be peaceful can turn confrontational and possibly escalate into violence. American citizens are therefore urged to avoid these areas of demonstrations, if possible, and to exercise caution if within the vicinity of any demonstrations.

Traffic congestion in the surrounding area is to be expected. Please plan your schedule and routes accordingly.

Americans planning travel to the city of Krakow should regularly monitor the news and the U.S. Consulate General’s website at for updates on the planned demonstrations.

The Consulate requests that American citizens postpone any planned non-emergency visits to the Consulate until after the demonstration period ends. If you decide to visit the Consulate on those days, please check our website prior to your appointment in order to ensure that the Consulate is open to the public.


Warning! On the starting from the evening of Feb. 17, the largest crime syndicate of mass murderers in the world will be converging in Krakow. Beware! These people may walk among you. They may wear nice suits and ties, expensive clothes and be driven in luxury cars, trying to pass for what is mistaken perceived as "respectable people". Do not be fooled! These are dangerous criminals.

Some violence is expected from these dastardly villians and their chain dogs in law enforcement or the military, so please try not to look like a protestor, or go near the protestors. If you are mistaken for a protestor, you might accidentally get you head bashed in or wind up in a Krakow jail with anarchists. Please be aware that vegetarian meals are not served in Polish jails, nor will information on your whereabouts be given to anybody but your legal family (concubines not allowed) or attorney.

Besides the meeting of mass murderers, other dangerous forces will be out in the streets. The police will be marching on Feb. 19. Luckily, they do not have tasers yet. Please be informed that in Poland, the correct slur for police is "dog" (pies) not pig. If you don't speak Polish and intend to make animal noises instead, a bark would be more understandable than a snort.

On Feb. 20, the people who make guns and tanks and shit will also be protesting. Apparently they want more orders for weapons of destruction. Do not go near these people. They are angry and some of them work in gun factories. They could be better armed than the police.

Finally, since so many terrorists are in town, we're gonna sit in the Consulate and watch videos of Friends and pretend we're working. Don't come knocking at our doors. We deserve a day off. By the way, if you decide that you don't like NATO and want to protest, don't call us if you get busted. We don't give a fuck about your civil liberties at home; we care even less about them abroad.*

* Unless you are arrested in a rogue nation, in which case you're worth your weight in propaganda value.


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