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Bardzo duża część uchodźców, przedstawianych jako Syryjczycy, jest tak naprawdę Kurdami, zamieszkującymi Syrię. Kurdowie od lat toczą walkę o stworzen...
The NoBorders Camp is taking place at Lesvos on August 25-31. The camp’s program is as follows:
Tuesday 25/08: Arrival
Wednesday 26/08: European migration conditions
This day we will discuss about the conditions of borders and migration, trying to combine issues of european politics, experiences from migrants, political interventions and mobilisations from different parts of the european borders (with emphasis given to greece, italy, spain). In the evening an open discussion/event will take place at the city of Mytilene.
Thursday 27/08: Contact with the local society
Since one of the primary aims of the camp is the communication and consciousness -raising of the local society, this day will see events, discussions and actions across the island (in Molyvos, Plomari, Kalloni, Ayiasos).
Friday 28/08: Detention Centres
The issues of the criminalisation of migration, of the detention, isolation and of the (denial) of migrant rights will be the main topics of discussion this day. In the evening a mobilisation will take place at the Pagani detention centre, ending up at the city of Mytilene.
Saturday 29/08: Frontex, Port-police, Border status
Central topics of discussion here will be the policing of the borders (border police, port-police) as well as the constantly increasing activity of Frontex at the european borders. In the evening a protest will take place at the port.
Sunday 30/08: Work, precarity, migration
The main aim of this day is to link up the issue of migration with that of work and migration, while issues of nationality, class, gender and religious identity will also be discussed.
Monday 31/08: Closing of the camp, final assembly
Every day: Assembly, seminars, discussions, screenings.
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The NoBorders Camp is taking place at Lesvos on August 25-31. The camp’s program is as follows:
Tuesday 25/08: Arrival
Wednesday 26/08: European migration conditions
This day we will discuss about the conditions of borders and migration, trying to combine issues of european politics, experiences from migrants, political interventions and mobilisations from different parts of the european borders (with emphasis given to greece, italy, spain). In the evening an open discussion/event will take place at the city of Mytilene.
Thursday 27/08: Contact with the local society
Since one of the primary aims of the camp is the communication and consciousness -raising of the local society, this day will see events, discussions and actions across the island (in Molyvos, Plomari, Kalloni, Ayiasos).
Friday 28/08: Detention Centres
The issues of the criminalisation of migration, of the detention, isolation and of the (denial) of migrant rights will be the main topics of discussion this day. In the evening a mobilisation will take place at the Pagani detention centre, ending up at the city of Mytilene.
Saturday 29/08: Frontex, Port-police, Border status
Central topics of discussion here will be the policing of the borders (border police, port-police) as well as the constantly increasing activity of Frontex at the european borders. In the evening a protest will take place at the port.
Sunday 30/08: Work, precarity, migration
The main aim of this day is to link up the issue of migration with that of work and migration, while issues of nationality, class, gender and religious identity will also be discussed.
Monday 31/08: Closing of the camp, final assembly
Every day: Assembly, seminars, discussions, screenings.
All groups wishing to organise workshops during the camp should get in touch at
For more information:
Kali Antamosi! (Until we meet!),