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Last year for a day for

Last year for a day for reclaiming independence of Lithuania nazis marched in Vilnius with slogans "Lithuania is for lithuanians", "Juden raus" and other xenofobic shit. Police was following the march, but didn't do anything. There was no permition for that 'demonstration'. After the President of Lithuania comdemned the march, few nazis were recognized and punished.

This year nazis got a permission from a right-wing goverment of Vilnius to demonstrate as organisation called "National center of lithuanians". The institute of human rights and The center for expanding equal rights asked for a permission for a contra-demonstration and didn't get one!

So we had one more legal nazi-demonstration and nine people (the biggest number of demonstrating people without permission) against them... Few days ago one guy who demonstrated against nazis was attacked by them, happily, he got only few bruises.

Today in UK antifascists held an action against fascist-xenofobic-homofobic government of Lithuania, the message about is in all medias. More of such actions may force politicians to re-think their decisions or global human rights organisations to act.

Please, speak out everywhere, if you can.

2008-03-11 nazis are marching
2009-03-11 nazis are marching again
contra-demonstration - funeral of democracy
2009-03-20 London events


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