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"Police said the man

"Police said the man collapsed inside a police cordon on St Michael's Alley, not far from the Bank of England"

It was not clear how the man died, but some people had earlier been injured when protesters held in a police cordon for several hours following the march surged against the crash barriers.

"We received a 999 call at 7:24 pm from a member of the public reporting that a man had fallen over and was unconscious, but was breathing," said the London Ambulance Service.

"At 7:30 pm we were informed by the police that a man at the location had stopped breathing."

W skrócie - upadł o będąc w policyjnym kordonie (a bywa ostro - ul. Świętego Michała, niedaleko Banku Anglii (gdzie było najwięcej demonstrantów). O 19.30 stwierdzono zgon.


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