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In my opinion

The power of South Korean anarchists is not strong for the present. But it not mean that there is few anarchsts in S.Korea. We can find a very strong trend of direct actions of anti-authoritarianism, totalitarianism and dictatorship across various fields of social struggle, especially in recent years. Even though they often don't give the name of 'anarchism' to their struggle, and though they often don't have the black/red flag.
So many activists who are combating discrimination, chauvinism, militarism and capitalism don't aware that they would be 'anarchists' and even don't know the word 'anarchism'. However, I think anarchism is not a doctorine or dogma but the practice itself.
You know, it seems that many struggles have the limit of nationalism or something. But such negative aspects are not the all. Korean anarchists are striving to overcome such faults that its society have.

The massacre of Yongsan, we call 'Yongsan Chamsa' in Korean that occured in the process of capitalists' redevelopment and killed 6 in January, fiercely shocked all anarchists. And since then, Yongsan is getting the node or center of Korean anarchists. A new and active anarchists' community is growing there right now.


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