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Latvian comrades need support


On January 13, 2009 a riot broke out in Riga (Latvia).

The authorities of the country had lost all trust of the population, industry and agriculture had been completely destroyed, and IMF credits wasted and the people could not pay even for their very modest flats. Mass unemployment and misery was the immediate threat for many thousands.

Under these circumstances after a meeting organized by opposition parties some of the people tired of the lies told by politicians and powerlessness of the opposition took to radical action. They threw stones into the Saeim (Latvian parliament) windows, overthrew police cars, and broke into Latvias Balsams shop, belonging to a well-known Latvian politician. This was a spontaneous outburst; it had not been prepared by any organization. People of different social classes, ethnic origin, age and political views took part in the riot.

Now the cases of 46 participants of the event are in court. They are charged for participation in mass disturbances (Art.225 part 2). If they are found guilty they will be sentenced to an enormous prison term - from 8 to 12 years. The rebels did not kill anybody and the material damage they caused is not so high, yet, the authorities are afraid of new riots and treat those who dared to challenge them with extreme cruelty. The people who defended their right to live are judged like criminals.

The participants of the riot are inexperienced in legal matters and the authorities make use of it. For example, investigators called the suspects and recommended them to come for interrogation without a lawyer. There is a large list of policemen who demand that the rebels indemnify not only for physical damage (like bleeding noses) but also for moral (!) damage, which is estimated many times higher than the physical one. The list of material damage includes the "expenditure", it means the authorities want the accused people to compensate for the tear gas used to suppress them.

We appeal to our comrades all over the world, to human rights community - demand the end of prosecution of participants of January 13 events. Latvia wants to have an image of a humane European country where the government serves the interests of the people and your protest against the prepared act of state terrorism which mail spoil the "credit rating" of the country can play the crucial role in liberating the people.

Direct Action Group


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