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Government Shows the Hypocrisy of the Criminal (In)Justice System


The government, in a rush of "get tough" legislation, passed a spate of controversial laws. One of them is about the chemical castration of pedophiles. The law pratically guarantees that pedophiles will be chemically castrated. And pedophiles are considered all people who rape or sleep with anybody under 15. (Sleeping with such people is considered statutory rape.) These laws, which are very harsh, were criticized by many NGOs in Poland and some governments or EU institutions. All of the political parties played up the issue. even the left which tried hard to show that it could be just as draconic as the right. Only one PM out of 403 voting was against.

Two days later, a prominent Pole, Roman Polanski, was arrested and faces extradition to the US. For raping a 13 year old girl. Right away, the Minister of Foreign Affairs said that they will protest this and even ask president Obama to grant clemency for Polanski.

The newspapers are filled with indignant remarks about how "prudish" the Americans are and speculations that there are some ulterior "political motives" behind the arrest.

Reading this, I cannot help but recall how many articles were written in the press in the past claiming that this sex was "obviously consentual" and that the whole problem is with the prudish attitude of the Americans.

According to the wishes of the government though, anybody sleeping with people under 15 is a pedophile and should be castrated. Yet, one of the most important people in the government, no doubt on behalf of the ruling party, is asking for clemency for someone who fits their definition of a pedophile.

This just shows how "justice" typically works: the rich, famous, connected or influential are not subject to the same standards.


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