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Lesbos: Demonstration. Squat for the refugees today in Mitlini-small report


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so much going on here!
today in the morning the newspapers anoucing the closure of pagani and
the demontsration organised by a new formed network of solidarity with
refugees and migrants.

at noon the refugees released yeasterday who had to sleep in the cold in
the harbour open air, finnaly and after strong pressure, get tikets
for the next ferry which is tomorow.
but noone can imagine passing another night outside.

all refugees freed from pagani join the demostration holding the front

they say it is a great felling to be here and free.

after the demonstration a university building is being squated to give
shelter for the night to the refugees who can live tomorow with the ship
to athens.after 24 hours outside they all re very glad to have a warm
place to sleep.

during the demonstration we are joined by survivors of the accident
where 8 children and their mothers drawned.
also the family from germany of the one woman and her children are
joining us.

its cold but the solidarity produces a warm feeling. when we pass by the
coast guard you hear everybody shouting:

the solidarity of the coast guard is seen on the wounds of the refugees!
or in the bottom of the agean see is buried the security of the europeans.

today the mother of the one afghan boy was buried and his sister.

tomorow we expect the last 120 people to be freed from pagani.
it seemd like if it would be then empty,
but this afternoon 23 new arivers where brought there.
so lets see....

the lokal newspaper says that from now on newcomers will be brought to
hospital then to a hotel and then to the island of CHIOS in the
detention center there.
and that pagani schlould get repared because the revolts caused so much
what about the damage that pagani causes?

freedom of moovement is everybodys right
we are here and we will fight


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