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Frankfurt: Protest conc. Pagani prison and Dublin deportations


brief report from our protest yesterday in front of the greek
consulate in frankfurt...

„if one of our fingers is directed now to the greek government, three
other fingers are directed back: to paris and berlin and brussels!“
günter burkhardt, head of pro asyl, emphasized in his speech in front
of the greek consulate again to the background, which was already
presented in the call ( and which was
part of the introduction of our manifestation yesterday: the greek
government is responsible for the systematic human rights violations
at the borders or in the detention camps, but the driving forces
behind are the westeuropean governments. about 50 people joined the
protest in front of the greek consulate in frankfurt, an installation
with life-jackets, some banners („close all paganis! welcome centers
in stead of detention!“) and a dozen of life-buoys (with the
signature of the pro asyl-campaign „save me“) did decorate the
entrance of the building. the – at least temporary – closure of
pagani was explained mainly as the success from a continous struggle
of the young refugees and migrants inside the prison, and in the
brief chronologie, which was presented to the demonstrators, the
nobordercamp was mentioned as important catalyst.
after the speeches it was planned to hand over a protest-info-package
to the konsul Mrs. Frangoyanni at the entrance, but she offered a
delegation of 3 people to come into her office for a brief talk.
surprisingly she was very well informed about the whole issue, but to
her argument, the new government announced and try to improve the
situation, we responded with the official statements to renovate the
detentioncamp and that the ministers follow the old approach, if they
ask to strengthen frontex in the aegea sea. Mrs. Frangoyanni finally
promised to forward our letter and demands (see the text below) to
athens and mytilini, but of course we do not know, if she really will
do, and we cannot exspect any further reaction. but on the other hand
we think, it was another useful small pinbrick brom abroad ...

in the second part of our protest we went into the inner city of
frankfurt and we made a public screening with the voices of pagani,
the frontex-film (from the munich group) and a few sequences on
calais. we introduced the contents of the films and we explained
something more about the „dublin-deportations“ from germany to
greece. this kind of screening-manifestation worked pretty well as a
lot of pedestrians took notice and a lot followed the impressive
pictures from pagani for awhile.


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