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Dam wam pare cytatow co ten psychopata Eric Hufschmid pisze na swojej stronie:

What sort of role might the Jews have played in those Nazi atrocities? My guess is that:

• The Jews are lying about the gas chambers and ovens.

• The Jews helped Hitler and the Nazi party get control of Germany.

• The Jews instigated both world wars.

• The Jews created anti-Semitism in Germany to drive Jews out of Europe and into Palestine, and to unify Jews, and to bring pity to Jews.

You prove that the Holocaust is true

The American government has a collection of thousands of photos going back to the 1800's. I looked through every photo of the Nazi camps that I could find, but I could not find a single photo of a gas chamber for killing people. And the only ovens I could find were tiny.

Is there another archive that has photos of the Spielberg-style ovens and gas chambers? Or is it possible that the government never bothered to put those photos on the Internet?

If you believe the official Holocaust story, then you prove that it really happened as the government claims. Show us the photos, and explain the contradictory aspects of the prison camps, such as why the Nazis went to so much trouble to protect the prisoners from lice and typhus.

I looked through the evidence, and it looks like a big hoax. Show me where I'm making mistakes.


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