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Tworca (wariat) mysli ze ZOG jest odpowiedzialny za 9/11.

Nie rozumiem czemu nie kasujecie ten film stworzony przez mitomana. On moze ma jakis sens na portalu a nie na strony anarchistycznej.

Wiecej cytat:

Searching for a gas chamber at the Nazi camps is like looking through the photos of the Pentagon for Flight 77. The photos show something, but not Flight 77.

Likewise, the photos of Auschwitz show buildings and rooms, but are they really gas chambers for killing people? And where are the Spielberg Fantasy Ovens? Why is everything so vague and mysterious?

9-11 was not their first scam
When I first discovered the September 11th attack was a scam, I wondered why the people who conducted that scam would allow the collapse of Building 7 to be filmed by television crews. At least five video cameras recorded the collapse of Building 7.

Building 7 could have been demolished at night, when nobody was watching. How could they know that they could get away with the demolition of that building?

Eventually I discovered the answer to my question:

# These people have already gotten away with other, very obvious scams. They have a lot of experience with deception and manipulation. These are professional con artists with years of experience.

# Most people refuse to deal with corruption, so they ignore the September 11th attack, the Apollo moon landing, the HoloHoax, and other scams.


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