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FAU odpisało mi tak: the

FAU odpisało mi tak:

the verdict is based on the misinterpretation (or in the worst case
distortion) of a previous verdict that forbid us to boycott the cinema
babylon. The reason for that verdict was that the judges had doubts that
we had enough members to negotiate a collective agreement for the cinema
(according to German jurisdiction you do not only have to be strong enough
in the workplace to negotiate in the workplace but your general membership
ist counted and you usually have to have a huge mebership). This was
distorted into: the FAU Berlin is not a union and thus must not claim to
be one.

Czyli wyrok był oparty na poprzednim orzeczeniu, że FAU nie było reprezentatywne, by prowadzić spór zbiorowy z kinem Babylon, bo miało zbyt mało członków. Obecne orzeczenie idzie dalej i stwierdza, że FAU nie jest związkiem.


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