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Odnosnie HAARP z wywiadu z ATROCIOUS MADNESS jeżeli kogoś to interesuje:

M.Avrg : Many of your lyrics seem to be based in conspiracy theories and secret histories. Is this a fair assessment?

Frank : Yeah, a lot of them are about what people consider conspiracies. But that's just a way of not taking them seriously. All the songs we have that deal with those topics considered on the fringe are things that are actually happening or have happened. The HAARP project really does exist and is capable and being used for things like weather control, and mind control. The official HAARP propaganda even admits that it could be used for that, but of course says they never would. And people believing what the government tells them is the really scary thing. Everyone knows about CIA mind control experiments on unknowing victims and it is public knowledge, if you look for it, that Nazi scientist were brought to the U.S., Russia and Britain and were behind the creation of the CIA, NASA, training of South American death squads, and mind control "cults" like Jim Jones's Peoples Temple. They are only theories because they aren't accepted by mainstream media machines which use terms like "conspiracy theory" to push facts and ideas into the realm of laughable nuts. Shows like the X-Files help to defuse information that comes to light by letting people think of it as "that stuff on TV". Just like accusing someone who says that fluoride in the water is being used to weaken the minds and bodies of the population as being paranoid and right wing. Secret history is more accurate. The connections between corporations, political dynasties, banks, intelligence agencies, "think tanks"(Tavistock Institute, Rand Corporation, Club of Rome, Committee of 300), gatherings like the WTO, and G-8 and secret societies are not something that those involved want to be known. All media surrounding wars and terrorism, including what is happening now, is meant as diversion from what is really happening and who is really pulling the strings behind world events. Who is gaining from the attacks on the World Trade Center/Pentagon and these Anthrax mailings? If you think that these "civilized" governments wouldn't murder thousands of innocent people, take another look at the history of British and US imperialism and it's dealing with "undesirables" in their own countries. But not all of our lyrics could be placed in the "conspiracy" box. True, we sing about these things, but that should not be considered some gimmick, which takes away from the fact these are serious topics. And we also cover what the usual political punk territory: animal rights, environmentalism, sexism, homophobia, religion... things just as important and relevant as anything else we sing about.

M.Avrg : What is HAARP?

Frank : HAARP stands for High frequency Active Auroral Research Project and is located in the remote area of Alaska in the Gakona region, owned by the Department of Defense. It's basically a huge antenna array and research facility tucked away where it can operate in almost secrecy. What the government/military claims is that it is to be used to study the upper atmosphere and communicate with submerged submarines that could not otherwise be reached. It is a joint Navy, Air Force operation with academic support from the University of Alaska. The official HAARP website, maintained by the Air Force, has a long list of further uses (oceanic mapping, finding hidden bunkers and underground cave systems, which is of course very useful propaganda nowadays etc...) and goes on and on about what a safe and wonderful tool it is in predicting weather patterns. What they don't say, and even deny, is that it can be used to alter the weather in specific areas by "lifting", or punching holes in portions of the Ionosphere in order to create heat waves, floods, snow fall etc... This not only effects the specific area targeted but creates a reaction in world weather systems. The facility uses electro magnetic waves which disrupt the magnetosphere causing confusion in migratory animals whose natural guidance systems are effected, either causing them not to migrate, migrate in the wrong direction, and in the case of a number of native Alaskan wild life, to wander straight into the antenna array. The more frightening uses that are not mentioned in the official propaganda are those that are actually claimed in the original patent. Not actually the original, because the designs used for this type of radio transmitter were created by Nikola Tesla. A lot of his patents were stolen after his death by intelligence agencies or simply refused by the patenting office and confiscated. But some of the other possible uses are a land bases Star Wars type defense shield, destruction of satellites, altering the weather for military and civil disobedience purposes, negatively impact the health of human and other biological systems (including inducing heart attacks), taking control of air craft guidance or melting engines, altering the mental state of large groups or singular people, and if implanted with a receiving chip, actual physical control. The list goes on and on and the science and secret history behind the development and uses could fill a book. Actually there are a number of books on the subject and plenty of places on the internet.

M.Avrg : Do you know if the government has actually experimented on populations with HAARP?

Frank : Definitely. This type of technology has been used in different capacities since World War I when John Hettinger modified beam power weapons to radio wave power weapons. Sounds ridiculous, like something out of a sci-fi film. But who do you think controls the film studios? The banking/military cartel who produce books and films as a way to defuse and make unbelievable secret science and conspiracy theories. During the 80's the Greenham Commons Women Peace Camp in England, who held a constant vigil outside the Greenham military base to protest the placement of U.S. cruise missiles there, were subject to radio frequencies emitted from the base that caused headaches, nausea and constant menstruation. The USSR used something called "The Russian Woodpecker" to bombard the eastern United States with radio waves that caused an increase in suicides and murder during the times it was turned on. Similarly was the use of these signals to cause disruption in the mental state of employees at the U.S. embassy in Moscow. The Montauk facility on Long Island was home to some of the most horrific human experiments on U.S. soil. Including the mental torture of homeless and kidnapped victims via low frequency radio waves and "shock rooms" in a sort of MK Ultra mind control experiment and creation of split personalities. The Montauk base would also aim their antenna at New Jersey, New York and even at the housing units on it's own grounds which resulted in the same effects as the Russian Woodpecker. During the WTO protests there were reports of people being effected by the same symptoms as the Greenham Peace Camp women. There are people who have mapped out storms and strange weather patterns that coincide with when the HAARP facility was activated at the frequency needed to cause such things. The school shootings over the past few years can also be connected to HAARP being active on the frequency to control human emotions and thought. But a moveable radar dish is no longer needed to transmit. They are simply bouncing signals off the upper atmosphere, using it as a mirror, to directly hit a target. Now I have read some reports of transmitters being reduced to hand held targeting devices for used in civil unrest (WTO, Genoa...) to incapacitate protesters. Most recently is the under reported link between the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks and the fact that HAARP went online to satellite communication frequency moments after the planes were in the air. This is also the frequency used to take control of a vehicles guidance system, which has been a useable technology, as admitted by the government, so who knows how long it's really been
available, since the late Eighties.


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