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Trial of the Belgrade Six


A couple of hundred people came to court today to attend the trial of the Belgrade 6. Despite the fact that a large room was supposed to be ordered, the court was apparently too afraid of the crowd and very few activists were let in. (The also were insisting that nobody could sit in the first row of the court and claiming the room was full.) This was a very tense situation and during this, 3 people were arrested for hanging a sign on the door reading "Anarchism is not Terrorism".

During the trial it came out that one of the six, Ivan Savic, was tortured and forced to sign a confession to yet another plot. The six were released for now and the next hearing is scheduled for March 23. There are rumours that the charges will be changed.

After the trial there was a discussion about the case with many people there. The surprise visitors to the panel discussion were Ratibor and Tadej who, as soon as they were released, showed up at the discussion. They were in a good mood; the others went home to get some rest after their ordeal.


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