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Solidarity Appeal from Ukraine: Stop Repression of Student Trade Union



Dear Comrades!

We are an Independent Student Union, “Priama Dija” (“Direct Action”) and we ask for your support.

The case is that for over the last six months, the union has been under unprecedented pressure. Everything started with our series of successful actions (together with other youth organizations) against the establishment of fees for previously free services in the universities, against cutting funds for scholars and against the plans to suspend scholarships for students who received even a single grade of “3”- (C). Ever since then, the intelligence services, together with the administration of the National Taras Shevchenko University of Kiev, are carrying out a whole campaign of pressure against the union's activists. All available measures are used against them, including intimidation and repression.

During this period:

1) pressure was used against the activists by threatening to sack their parents from work;
2) activists were expelled from the university;
3) intimidation and face-to-face "talks" were held with anyone who somehow helped us;
4) deterrence was made by the intelligence services.

It's worth mentioning that a number of administrators in private conversations made it absolutely clear that they were being “pressed from above”. Some clerks called it clearly “a war”. Though there are those who won't stop at anything just to keep their positions. Thus the Dean of the Faculy of Philosophy, Mr. Konverskii A.E., stated directly that he “will roll anyone who would challenge his career into the pavement”. Soon afterwords even such a little event as a film club at the faculty was abandoned without a particular reason and with no explanation.

The administration also placed itself on the record by instructing the security to prohibit the activists from entering the Red (main) corpus of the university, regardless of the legitimate right of free entry for union members.

In general, an atmosphere of total control is installed in “the best university in the country”. Any signs of dissatisfaction are rooted out immediately. Thus the very dawns of a protest against the rise in dormitory fees were brutally suppressed. The students-initiators were expelled, according to our sources.

The present state of affairs is connected to an appalling fact. The Kiev National University is virtually run by Vice-Rector Mr. Bugrov V.A., who has also been, according to our data, an SBU officer since 1989. (SBU is the Ukrainian Security Services — previously the KGB.)

Let us also mention that the former chief of the SBU, Mr. Volodymyr Nalyvaichenko, swore that he had recalled all the agents from institutions of higher education during the “deKGBzation” campaign.

The latter events and facts are a disgraceful precedent for both the University and Ukraine as a whole. The University should stand for the free development of the individual and not for the totalitarian forging of security-service agents.

We call for your solidarity!

We also ask you to send letters of solidarity to the Head of the SBU, an authorized representative for Human Rights (an Ombudsman) and to the administration of Kiev University. Sample letters are given below.

Ministry of Education and science of Ukraine
01135, Kyiv, Prospekt Pobedy, 10
Telephone: (044) 486-24-42
Fax: (044) 236-10-49

To The Minister of education and science of Ukraine, Mr. Tabachnyk D.V.

Mr. Dmytro Volodymyrovych

We ask for you to intervene in the situation that occured regarding the student union “Priama Dija” (“Direct Action”). According to the information we received, for over six months now, pressure is being used against the union by the administration of the Kyiv National University and the SBU (Security Services of Ukraine).

Regardless of the official status of the union, representatives of the Security Services and the University take repressive actions and intimidate all who are somehow connected to the union. These actions violate The Law of Ukraine “On Unions, Their Rights and Guarantees for Activity”. They also violate the Criminal Code of Ukraine (article 170).

We appeal to you to take action in this situation.


Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
64, Volodymyrs'ka St.,
01601 Kyiv, Ukraine
fax: 044-239-33-88

To The Rector of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Mr. Hubersky L.V.

Mr. Leonid Vasiliovich,

We ask for you to intervene in the situation that occured regarding the student union “Priama Dija” (“Direct Action”). According to the information we received, for over six months now, pressure is being used against the union by the administration of the Kyiv National University and the SBU (Security Services of Ukraine).

Regardless of the official status of the union, representatives of the Security Services and the University take repressive actions and intimidate all who are somehow connected to the union. These actions violate The Law of Ukraine “On Unions, Their Rights and Guarantees for Activity”. They also violate the Criminal Code of Ukraine (article 170).

We appeal to you to take action in this situation.


21/8, Instytutska Str.,
Kyiv, 01008
tel. +38-044-253-2203

To the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights, Ms. Karpachova N.I.

Ms. Nina Ivanivna,

We ask for you to intervene in the situation that occured regarding the student union “Priama Dija” (“Direct Action”). According to the information we received, for over six months now, pressure is being used against the union by the administration of the Kyiv National University and the SBU (Security Services of Ukraine).

Regardless of the official status of the union, representatives of the Security Services and the University take repressive actions and intimidate all who are somehow connected to the union. These actions violate The Law of Ukraine “On Unions, Their Rights and Guarantees for Activity”. They also violate the Criminal Code of Ukraine (article 170).

We appeal to you to take action in this situation.


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