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Solidarity with our brother and sister in Poczta Polska

Hi everyone,

I'm a Spanish Postal worker. I'm writing you because we are on a strugle against Correos. We are a group of workers out of Statal Unions, which are under the company rules. You can follow us in facebook CorreosenLucha, which means Correos on Strike, more or less.

We are suffering a lost of rights. Correos is running to its privatization and owes another private Company with workers with less rights than us. In order to avoid concurrence between workers we try to unit with them and with other workers as you, around the world.

We would be very glad to talk to you and keep in contact and exchange of information.

Our claims are: 1)All temporary workers to an indefinite contract, in order to homogeneize our working conditions and avoid that company uses weak workers against a strike.
2)More salary
3)less work charge to health care. Many of our fellows are suffering the ultra exploitation of this company search of profit.


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