Istnienie klas społecznych często pomijane jest w mediach główno-nurtowych, a jeżeli już pada termin „klasa” trudno nie odnieść wrażenia, że na świeci...
Po raz 44 spotykamy się na łamach anarchistycznego periodyku „Inny Świat”. Tym razem, nieco szerzej, podjęliśmy dwa, a nawet trzy tematy... Niejako te...
Tureckie władze w osobie prezydenta Erdoğana rozpoczęły zmasowaną kampanię prześladowania zamieszkałej w tym kraju mniejszości kurdyjskiej. Wszystko z...
Jak blisko jesteśmy nienawiści Niemców lat trzydziestych do „obcych”? W ostatnią sobotę zorganizowano manifestacje skierowane przeciwko uchodźcom z kr...
Bardzo duża część uchodźców, przedstawianych jako Syryjczycy, jest tak naprawdę Kurdami, zamieszkującymi Syrię. Kurdowie od lat toczą walkę o stworzen...
Of all the sectors in Greece, the service sector leads the way both in contributing towards the GDP as well as employment. Public sector also contributes with almost 40% of the national GDP. Tourism is another constant and reliable contributor, with 15% share of the GDP.
However, post the 2007-2009 recession, the Greece administration has been forced to implement austerity measures that include cutting down government expenses, reducing the size of public sector and reforming the pension sector to make faster recovery and decrease public debt which has grown bigger than the GDP. According to the 2009 data, public debt is as high as 108.1% of the country’s GDP.
Greece Economic Structure: Primary Sector
The primary sector of Greece, like all other EU members, remains to be the service sector. With tourism right at the helm, the service sector has overtaken all other sectors in terms of contribution to the GDP. According to the 2009 data, Greece service sector contributed almost 75.8% to the national GDP and employed 65.1% workforce. Service sector includes professions, such as street vendors, hotel and lodging industry, public administration and telecommunications.
Greece Economic Structure: Secondary Sector
The industry sector contributes almost 20.8% of the national GDP and employs 22.4% workforce. As Greece is a mountainous region, Athens is the only city with the maximum concentration of industries. The reasons vary from connectivity to ease of transportation. The various Greece industries include mining, petroleum, food and tobacco processing, metal products, textiles and chemicals.
Greece Economic Structure: Tertiary Sector
The agriculture sector contributes almost 3.4% to the GDP and absorbs 12.4% of the country’s work force. However, due to shortage of natural resources and cultivatable land, Greece is not able to grow its production volume significantly. The main agricultural products are wheat, barley, sugar beets, corn, wine, tobacco, olives, tomatoes, potatoes; beef and dairy products. Out of all agricultural products, olive oil is the topmost contributor to national export besides other fruits.
However, a worrying concern for all sectors is the increasing unemployment, which according to the 2009 data, stands at 8.9%. Even more troubling are the least investments. In 2009, the investments were measured to be as low as 15.6% of the GDP.
Protest przeciwko zawłaszczaniu tegorocznego marszu antyfaszystowskiego 11 listopada przez partię Razem i współpracujące z nią organizacje, podpisaneg...
Manchester Solidarity Federation sprzeciwia się zarówno opcji "in" jak i "out". W sprawie referendum dotyczącego członkostwa w Unii Europejskiej wyraż...
Nie należy jednak zbyt na to liczyć. Można być niemal pewnym, iż żaden uczony nie ośmieli się dziś traktować człowieka tak, jak traktuje królika; trze...
Mówiłem już, gdzie szukać zasadniczej praktycznej przyczyny potężnego jeszcze obecnie oddziaływania wierzeń religijnych na masy ludowe. Owe właściwe i...
W dniach 25-26 czerwca, anarchosyndykaliści spotkali się na konferencji pod Madrytem, by omówić powstanie nowej federacji i utworzenie na nowo anarch...
„Omawiając działalność i rolę anarchistów w rewolucji, Kropotkin powiedział: ‘My, anarchiści rozmawialiśmy dużo o rewolucjach, ale niewielu z nas zost...
Jak się okazuje, kulturalne elity zaczęły dyskutować o warunkach pracy w restauracjach i barach, gdzie są stałymi bywalcami. Pomimo faktu, że wiele sz...
Jeśli ktoś rzeczywiście
Jeśli ktoś rzeczywiście się interesuje strukturą zatrudnienia w Grecji, a nie tylko powtarzaniem sloganów za Balcusiem, to niech przynajmniej wykona jakiś wysiłek, żeby coś poczytać. Np. to:
Greece Economic Structure
Of all the sectors in Greece, the service sector leads the way both in contributing towards the GDP as well as employment. Public sector also contributes with almost 40% of the national GDP. Tourism is another constant and reliable contributor, with 15% share of the GDP.
However, post the 2007-2009 recession, the Greece administration has been forced to implement austerity measures that include cutting down government expenses, reducing the size of public sector and reforming the pension sector to make faster recovery and decrease public debt which has grown bigger than the GDP. According to the 2009 data, public debt is as high as 108.1% of the country’s GDP.
Greece Economic Structure: Primary Sector
The primary sector of Greece, like all other EU members, remains to be the service sector. With tourism right at the helm, the service sector has overtaken all other sectors in terms of contribution to the GDP. According to the 2009 data, Greece service sector contributed almost 75.8% to the national GDP and employed 65.1% workforce. Service sector includes professions, such as street vendors, hotel and lodging industry, public administration and telecommunications.
Greece Economic Structure: Secondary Sector
The industry sector contributes almost 20.8% of the national GDP and employs 22.4% workforce. As Greece is a mountainous region, Athens is the only city with the maximum concentration of industries. The reasons vary from connectivity to ease of transportation. The various Greece industries include mining, petroleum, food and tobacco processing, metal products, textiles and chemicals.
Greece Economic Structure: Tertiary Sector
The agriculture sector contributes almost 3.4% to the GDP and absorbs 12.4% of the country’s work force. However, due to shortage of natural resources and cultivatable land, Greece is not able to grow its production volume significantly. The main agricultural products are wheat, barley, sugar beets, corn, wine, tobacco, olives, tomatoes, potatoes; beef and dairy products. Out of all agricultural products, olive oil is the topmost contributor to national export besides other fruits.
However, a worrying concern for all sectors is the increasing unemployment, which according to the 2009 data, stands at 8.9%. Even more troubling are the least investments. In 2009, the investments were measured to be as low as 15.6% of the GDP.