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Fuck the Flag! Freedom for the Greek Activists Jailed in Warsaw!


Update: May 13. All people have been freed. But they are considered "witnesses". They were also held and asked to sign statements without any Greek interpreter.

On May 12, a picket took place at the Greek embassy in Warsaw in solidarity with the social struggle in Greece. The picket was visited by a group of about 10 Greek people living in Poland. A banner was hung on the embassy. Also, the flags of Greece and the EU, which were on flagpoles in front of the building, were taken down and black flags put in their place.

After the picket, police came after a group of people sitting in the park. Six Greek activists and a Polish guy were arrested and are still being held. Police are still "investigating" the incident, but they are threatening to charge people with stealing the flag and with taking part in an illegal demonstration with the intent to commit a crime. Stealing the flag can face up to one year in prison.

The police have not been very cooperative in either giving information or letting a lawyer see the detainees. In relation to this, there was an emergency solidarity picket during the day in front of the "Police Palace". As a result, a spokesman came out and gave a little information and promised that somebody could at least receive information concerning the eventual release or continued detention of the comrades.

Tomorrow again we will try to send legal aid to the detained and maybe organize a bigger protest if they are not released. There may be a problem for foreigners detained in Poland as sometimes the police consider them a flight risk.


Zawartość tego pola nie będzie udostępniana publicznie.


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