Dodaj nową odpowiedź

19. April 2010 08:25 On

19. April 2010 08:25 On Saturday the parties in the Norwegian construction sector agreed on a proposal from the mediator for a new collective agreement, thereby ending the strike.

The agreement is in line with the financial framework set by the metal industry, but we got substantial increases in the minimum wages guaranteed by the agreement and since the minimum wages set by the agreement are also made generally applicable this substantial increase will also profit all construction workers in the Norwegian construction industry.

The main results of the agreement are:
• General wage increase of NOK 1 per hour
• A local addition of NOK 0.50 per hour per worker to level out documented discriminating low wages for women in any given workplace. If no discrimination is found, NOK 0.50 shall be given to all workers.
• An increase in the minimum wages set by the agreement of 9%
• Another increase in the minimum wages of 2.9% from 1st April 2011
• An increase in the piece rates of 4.8%
• A method for increasing the minimum wages in the agreement in years without collective bargaining and in years with centrally run negotiations
• The total value of the agreement is estimated to reach 3%. This includes the expected results of local wage negotiations which will be conducted throughout the rest of the year.

The result will be put to the vote in a ballot on the 28th April


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