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Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet: Declaration About Murders In Mine



Place: Zonguldak, Turkey. 560 meters under ground. Dark and airless. ---- Legislation says: "Article 162 - Workplaces that contain less than 19% oxygen, more than 2% methane and 0,5% carbon dioxide and other dangerous gases in the air can not be run."

A human brain can stand only six minutes of oxygen statelessness. Then slowly, can not be repaired and treated brain cells begin to die. On May 17, 2010 twenty-eight miners and two engineers dented to the upper hundreds of cubic meters of soil could not do what they can easily do in every second; they could not breathe. In the first few hours of four-day period that the state give them to be rescued, they became the witnesses to their own and each other's death.

They were murdered.

The mine in which the blast occurred is a state-owned enterprise; but a subcontractor actually do the job as usual in Turkey. This is a crime according to the state's own constitution and imposed fines of just 11.000 TL. - such as an extremely low amount for these large companies. We know them. We know the responsibles of this massacre. We know the killers.

Against this terrible crime done by the cooperation of capitalism's endless profit greed and the states pro-economic policies, we're having difficulty in breathing. The state -not even allowed us to breathe while we're living- does not hesitate to name this massacre as a "Fate" We have some questions about this unfortuned game played by so-called fate. Can a justification named as "Fate" and offered for this repeated massacre justify the capitalism and it's representatives in the world? Can the companies who do not take the necessary measures just to obtain more profit and the state which devolves the control power to the companies in the fields of mineral exploration easily squirm out of being responsible of this massacre by throwing their crimes to god? If there had been a god, even he would not deal with that kind of foolish justification.

Let's take a deep breath and answer:

No. The ones who give the answer "yes" must be suffering from lack of oxygen or must have lost all their cells which provides to recognize the notions like justice, conscience and humanity. Thirty people are killed and we the survivors still dent to remain under the state's lies. By the help of media that insists on ignoring this massacre and the neo-liberal policy which is satisfied by it's own simple and 'resplendent' agenda, the state managed to look like an accident again. We're sorry for the workers and their families like many people; but we know that this is not the first and won't be the last. The turkish style revolutionary determinism -trapped in the "policy-workers-union" triangle- which is used to oppose the state's religious determinism won't be enough to stop them.

We do not regard people and the resources that belong to them to be governed by an enterprise that murders people brutally and exists only this way. Our conciense that they harp on the same string prevents that. Because we know that, those massacres will not be lasted unless the success on analyzing the actual culprit is not shown at the point of total elimination of it’s sources.



DAF (Revolutionary Anarchist Action)


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