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Women Molested on Strawberry Plantations in Spain


Many women, including Poles, who work seasonly picking strawberries in the south of Spain, become the victims of sexual misconduct on the part of their bosses. Until now, no complaints have ended in conviction.

THe women working near Huelva are mostly Poles, Romanians and Morrocans. Every year they collect over 250,000 tons of strawberries - known as "red gold" there. 80% of these strawberries are for export and they earn 320 million euro a year.

Last year, 65,000 women, including 50,000 from Eastern Europe - mostly from Poland and Romania, were hired. Morrocans are hired for a five month period, after which they must return to their country. The bosses prefer to hire women then men since they "listen better and have more resistance to pain" after many hours of work bent over in greenhouses. In the case of Morrocans, they prefer women with children since they return back to them after their contracts are over. The women live in barracks on an open field, many kilometers from the nearest village.

According to the tesimonies of the victims, the bosses often pay them night visits while they are trying to rest after working all day. If some woman is taking a bath, they order her to continue and look at her. - Either you agree or you'll get fired - the women hear. If they resist, then they aren't allowed to go to the toilet or to get a drink during working hours - despite the 40 degree heat. - Listen or I will count that you picked fewer crates of fruit - they are threatened.

The women work in the strawberry fields at least 6.5 hours daily. They get 36 euro for a day's work. Some make a deal with the boss in exchange for priveleges - fewer hours or a private room. In courts they testify that they are "engaged' to the accused and don't want to talk about abuse. - If my family back home found out, it would be a big problem - they explain.

Up til now there have been no complaints against businesses or supervisors. Despite this, people have been talking about these night visitors in Huelva for over 20 years.

Five Morrocan women, aged 18-30, who work in Palos de la Fronter and Moguer (near Huelva) have accused their bosses of threatens and sexual abuse. It is also thought that the boss received money from friends and acquaintances for allowing them access to the women.


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