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Bulgaria: Platform against the open and hidden racism, neo-nazism and politically motivated violence.


On 06.06.2010 in Sofia masked persons with iron pipes,boxes and knifes brutally assaulted in the tram No.20 four young men, which were going to peaceful protest against the illegal imprisonment of foreigners in the concentration center for immigrants and refugees "Special home for temporary suspending of foreigners" in Busmanci(neighbourhood in Sofia).The four young men are in age between 17 and 25 years old and with serious injuries.One of them,17 years old suffered a serious operation on his head and left arm.

The way that the police, minister Cvetanov and most of the media are trying to describe the case is an attempt to show the violence as an unimportant act and this is dangerous!

We are hardly opposing to this attempt this case to be presented to the society as an fight between two radical youth gangs.

To make equality between violators and victims is completely inadequate and also dangerous!

While the masked attackers are people with serious criminal past, the guilt of their victims is obviously only that they have clearly and peacefully presented political position.

The institutional unrecognizing of the neo-nazism by the police is dangerous.

The attack before the protest in Busmanci,speaks about well-organized political provocation, which purpose is to see the borders of patience for racistic, xenophobic, homophobic ,neo-fascistic and neo-nazistic actions in the Bulgarian society today.

Examples-A Lot!

The examples for politically motivated violence from racistic , xenophobic , anti-Semitic , neo-fascistic and neo-nazistic groups in Bulgaria are a lot.

The attacks against peaceful citizens,because of their look, sexual orientation ,colour of skin, ethnical belonging or political believes are getting more often.

The student of medicine,Mihail Stoyanov,was killed before 2 years, because according to a neo-nazistic gang, which were "cleaning the Boris garden from gays",he "looked like gay”!

Targets of attacks are also temples, graveyards, schools.

In Bulgaria are taking place international neo-nazistic meetings, like the permitted by the government demonstrations of the organization “Blood And Honor”, "Lukovmarsh" in which every year there are guests from fascistic organizations from Germany, Romania, Italy, Switzerland and etc.In the 1st of may,in the nationalist demonstration this year there were nazistic symbols and nazistic propaganda was spread among the people.

The beating of participants in protest for the rights of foreigners is the culmination of one worrying tendency, which puts in danger the right to express and citizen activity!

This is provocation to the freedom of expressing and we can’t allow,and this time,to stay unpunished.Politically or racistic motivated violence is problem not only for the victims. The attempts to scare and limit the right of expression through terror and violence are rough challenge against the principles of democracy in Bulgaria, and this is creating problem for all democratically thinking people.

Everyone is in danger!

If today the violators are trying to shut the mouths of the activists or to “clean” their city of the ethnical, racial, religious or sexual “incorrects”, tomorrow the victim can become everyone with incorrect opinion.


The silence against the fascist violence is this,that makes it possible.

That’s why, we,the group that took part in the protest in Busmanci, despite our political differences, we support the four, that became victims of political violence and against the rising racism, xenophobia and neo-nazism in Bulgaria.

Such crimes must not be judged as “hooligan act”,because these “hooligans” are
anti-Constitutional, paramilitary organizations, motivated for their actions of antidemocratic ideologies as racism, anti-Semitism, fascism and Nazism.


Are these paramilitary gangs, groups and organizations having serious institutional or political support, relative or family connections with representatives of the official authorities in Bulgaria, hidden political support and encouraging from powerful bulgarian politicians, which otherwise count on their “European Face"?


-searching and capturing of the participants in the beating and immediately results of the research of the police.

-rising of serious charges and this time they really to be punished for what they have done, because in many previous cases of beatings, the notorious to the police criminals are being freed, despite the many proves against them.


We invite all citizens, citizen groups, non-governmental organizations, medias, institutions and everyone who wants really free, democratic and tolerant society in Bulgaria, to join our platform.

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how can one join your platform?
από Greek in Bulgaria 1:32πμ, Δευτέρα 14 Ιουνίου 2010
any e-mail maybe?

από bulgaros st ellada 7:20μμ, Τρίτη 15 Ιουνίου 2010
Για οσους ενδιαφερονται το επισημο mail ειναι :
σε περιπτωση που δεν υπαρξει ανταποκριση στειλε στο mail το οποιο ειναι προσωπικο ενος συντροφου.

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