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More on the Acquittal of the Belgrade Six


Today the Belgrade High Court acquitted a group of six anarchists from accusations that they caused general danger by allegedly throwing molotov cocktails at the Greek Embassy of Greece. The prosecution was not able to prove its charges. "The basis for acquittal is legal, not political. It is not proven that the accused committed the crime," said the judge Dragomir Gerasimović. The Belgrade Six are free and innocent, the judge decided. Ratibor Trivunac, from the Anarcho-Syndicalist Initiative, said after the verdict that the state has failed to break the anarchist movement.

The judge said in a brief explanation of the verdict that there is no evidence that Ratibor Trivunac, Tadej Kurepa, Nikola Mitrović, Ivan Savić, Sanja Dojkić and Ivan Vulović caused general danger at the Greek Embassy last August.

"My personal belief is that this is a consequence of the fact that this process would be lost in a higher court, whether in Strasbourg or somewhere else. In any case, the authorities did not want to allow themselves to make even bigger damage with the compensation which they would have to pay. They would have now surely to pay to all of us for the months we were sitting in custody without any basis", said Ratibor Trivunac.

The original indictment charged the six anarchists with international terrorism, but this was later changed. However, members of the Anarcho-Syndicalist Initiative spent almost half a year in custody.

Therefore, in addition to claims for this detention, they announce criminal charges against all participants in the story of international terrorism, from the first man of Serbian Prosecutor Slobodan Radovanović, over all members of the judicial council to the investigative judge.

"The trial has confirmed what we already knew, that this country kidnapped us for political reasons and kept us in jail for 6 months. For total of six of us we have been in prison more than 1,000 days," said Tadej Kurepa.

"They showed us now 'we can keep you 6 months without any evidence', which is seen in court, the only thing they were not allowed to do because it is so clear that there are no grounds. They didn't dare at the end to condemn us, but they did what they wanted - they kept us 6 months in jail with no contact with friends. What they didn't achieve is to break our organization", said Trivunac.

The next steps of Anarcho-Syndicalist Initiative will be publishing a book in which shall be, according to Ratibor Trivunac, all documents from the trial. As he says, it will show that the trial against them was politically motivated and mounted.


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