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Na prośbę ZSP, sekcje

Na prośbę ZSP, sekcje Międzynarodowego Stowarzyszenia Pracowników (IWA-AIT) zaczęły wysyłać listy protestacyjne do Turret Development, domagając się opłacenia przez firmę biletów powrotnych dla porzuconych pracowników.

Poniżej treść szablonu takiego listu:

Tomasz Dabrowski
Turret Development
ul. Racławicka 114
02-634 Warszawa
tel: (+48 22) 30 10 156
fax:(+48 22) 30 10 152

Michael Alter
The Alter Group
5500 West Howard Street
Skokie, IL 60077
tel: (+01847) 568-5902
faxe: (+01847) 676-4302

SAMPLE TEXT (You can change if you like)
Stop Exploitation! Buy Plane Tickets for Stranded Chinese Workers

Turret Development in Poland hired a group of workers from China to work on the Wola Tower construction project in Warsaw. It then illegally sent them to work in Olawa and Lodz before terminating their contract and contacting the Polish border guards about their deportation. Currently, 21 of these workers are stranded in
Warsaw with no money to return home.

Turret Development and Alter Group: You have responsibilities towards the people you invite to work for you!

Enough exploitation of cheap foreign labour! We demand that you help these people return by buying them plane tickets.



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