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You are welcome to the 9th general meeting of Autonomous Action, to be organised from the 1st to the 7th of August in Ukraine


You are welcome to the 9th general meeting of Autonomous Action, to be organised from the 1st to the 7th of August in Ukraine

Autonomous Action is an organisation of libertarian communists, founded in 2002. Right now we unite 13 regional organisations in Russia and Ukraine. We publish the journal Avtonom and maintain the portal.

The goal of our general meeting is to further develop the projects and campaings of our organisation. The meeting is open for participants and symphatizers of Autonomous Action, as well as for representatives of friendly initiatives and as an opportunity to create a common understanding and connections inside libertarian movement!

Some advice:

1.In order to find out the exact location of the meeting, write
details about yourself (name or nickname, city and initiative in which you are
participate) to
the organisational collective of the meeting (
2.The meeting will be organised in the form of a camp.
3.Travel costs will not be reimbursed.
4.Take with you cutlery, a sleeping bag, food or money to buy some. Preferably
also a tent. In case you will not have a tent with you, ask organisers to
find you a place in another tent.
5.Please announce beforehand if you want to come.
6.If you have any allergies or special diets, please ask organisers to take
care of that.
7.Do not take anything illegal with you. All events of Autonomous Action are
also free from intoxicants.

For any additional information, write to


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