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Russia: Ammendment to the Law on Trade Unions


On June 18, the State Duma adopted ammendments to the Law on Trade Unions. The ammendments free employers from several obligations and limitations. Previously, permission from the trade union had to be received in order to fire one of its members or impose disciplinary sanctions. Also, members of unions had certain protection against transfer to other workplaces.

Ammendments to article 25 of the law have now made it easier to fire and transfer union members.

Just a few months ago, members of the Duma were angered by Russian tycoon Mikhail Prokhorov's proposal to simplify dismissal procedures. Prokhorov, one of Russia’s richest men and a member of the Industrialists and Entrepreneurs’ Union, proposed a package of measures including ones that were now adopted. At the time, United Russia Party demonstrated their "outrage" at such proposals.


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