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Picket at Start People


ZSP again took part in the International Day of Actions at the Start People temporary work agency. The action is in solidarity with our comrade from CNT-AIT Zaragoza and with all workers struggling against precarious employment conditions.

Last November, Start People tried to change the contractual conditions of a group of people working in Qualytel. Our comrade who refused to accept worse conditions did not have her contract renewed. Although the court later ruled that she was essentially dismissed illegally, and although the court found an illegal transfer of workers, she was not reinstated in her job.

Comrade Irantzu and the CNT won't give up and are still fighting for her reinstatement.

Members of ZSP picketed Start People in Warsaw, giving out leaflets about this case, newspapers and information about problems with temporary work. The workers at Start People, who received information and spoke with us about the case last time, also came out to ask how the comrade's case is going. They said they would again inform Start People that we were there.

Besides Warsaw, pickets also took place in Sochaczew and Pruskow.


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