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Repression of FIAT Unionists


A unionist at the Mirafiori factory in Turin, Pino Capozzi, was fired for sending out a letter from Polish Fiat workers using email at work. Three others were fired this week at the Melfi plant.

"Fiat is retaliating against those who did not sign the (Pomigliano) deal," Fiom Secretary General Maurizio Landini told La Repubblica newspaper today. "This is the sign of an authoritarian turn and of a vengeful attitude."

In response, Fiom called for a four-hour strike throughout Italy tomorrow. Other unions including Fim, Uilm and Fismic also called on their members to lay down their tools for two hours per shift.

Throughout the week there have also been sporadic strikes at the company. Today there were strikes related to Fiat's decision to cut bonuses this year.


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