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NO BORDER CAMP, in Brussels, from 27th of September till 3th of October included


The NO BORDER CAMP IN BRUSSELS follows the tradition of No Border camps, organised all over the world since the 90s. Neither a normative frame, nor an organization, the No Border Camp is most of all a meeting, a convergence of struggles aiming to end the system of borders that divide us all.

Like in Calais or Lesvos in 2009 it’s about building a temporary and autonomous space of living, thinking, sharing (experiences, skills, information, analysis,…) actions concerning the questions of borders, migration and the right of freedom of movement and to chose the place where you want to live


- No one is illegal!
- No borders, no nations!
- Equal rights for everybody!
- Freedom of movement and settlement!
- Against capitalist and authoritarian systems that are the origin of
forced exile, wars and misery.


* The camp and the actions organized during the No Border are based on self-organisation.
* The sexist, racists and violent behaviour are not tolerated in the camp.
* The targets of the actions of the No Border are multiple and various, they are not only related to the structures of the repression of migrants: the anti-migratory policies take place in a capitalist and European structure that is the base of the problem, repression does not concern only migrants.
* All the partivipants of the camp accept and respect the different
ways of acting.
* All the participants of the camp are solidary against state


Belgium will take presidency of the European council from July 1st until
21st of December 2010. As the capital of Europe Brussels is the symbol
of the development of the European (anti-) migration policy

In reality the European union is, since over 10 years) more and more
closing it’s doors for migrants, constructing a real fortress Europe.
Europe tightens the repression (forcing people into clandestine
existence, raids , locking people up and expulsing "people without
papers") that is already enforced by Belgium and the different member

So Europe is organising, with the help of Frontex (European agency
organising the operational cooperation at the exterior borders) border
patrols, helicopters, boats, and it shifts it’s frontiers towards Azia
and Africa by financing states (from Ukraine up to Marocco) to enforce
the prevention of migration in its name.

By organising a no border camp in Brussels we want to question this
(anti-) migration policy


- The construction of the camp will be from September 24th until
September 26th 2010.
- Activities will start on September 27th and will continue until
October 3thd.
- During this week we would like to see Brussels swarming with different
activities about (anti-) migration policy and it’s consequences. The
camp is also offering the opportunity to fight together with different
action strategies, but also to build up a longue term dynamic We invite
all (individuals or collectives) to participate as they see fit and to
propose their own activities or cooperations.

There will be four big action days:

On the 26th of Septembre will be a big manifestation to the detention
center. The manifestation will also be linked to the commemoration of
Semira Adamu, who was killed 1998 by cops, who wanted to deport her.

On the 27th of Septembre will be some kind of blockade of the European
Defense Agency.

On the 29th of Septembre will be a mass action against the ECOFIN summit.

On 2nd of Octobre will be a No Border No Nation manifestation.

Also there will be other actions, workshops, presentations and so on.
And there is many space for your ideas.


A no border Camp is what everybody wants to make of it, everybody can
play his /her part and offer support.

- By participating in the organisation of the camp, by working in one of
the different workinggroups (mobilisation, logistics, media, big demo,
internet, medical , programmation, welcoming committee, finances,
translations, cooking and juridical)

- By making a (modest or genial) proposal for a workshop, film, expo,
lecture. We propose the following themes:

* The security politics Frontex and the militarisation of borders.
* Clandestinity and the struggle of migrants.
* Capitalism and migration.
* Closed detention centres for migrants and deportations.
* European (anti-)migration politics.

- By mobilising, participating in actions, coming to the big demo, or by
organising your own actions that can halt the deportation machine.

- By organising a benefit (a concert, a night out, a popular kitchen)

- By proposing terrains, sites, sleeping places for actions or activists.

- By doing a financial or material donation

- By offering material (tents, vans, kitchen material, portable toilets…)

You also can join us. The more we are to bring about change, the faster
fortress Europe will fall.



On the website you will also find links to print out posters and flyers
in different languages

Next international meeting will be on the 21st and 22nd of August in


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