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Ukrainian Firm Aerobud Cheats Workers, Hires Strikebreakers


The firm Aerobud from Kiev became the subcontractor at a building site in the Polish city of Leszno. The winner of the tender, Karmar SA decided to use this firm, which would bring workers from Ukraine. The people were offered 2500 zloties a month and started work in June. They were supposed to get paid at the beginning of July but didn't, so at the beginning of this week, 32 workers went on strike. Aerobud brought in new workers from Ukraine to replace them.

The workers went to the State Labour Inspectorate. They do not deal with these cases since the Ukrainians were employed on a civil contract. It turns out that they did not even receive written contracts, despite asking the employer for them. There was always some delay. In this case, the workers are receiving no advice accept that they should go back to Ukraine and try to get paid.

We are hoping that action will be taken against Aerobud at their headquarters in Kiev.


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