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Warsaw: Protest at Carrefour


On August 5, a union protest was held outside of Carrefour Wilenska in Warsaw. This is the same place where a protest was held the week before. The action was organized by Solidarity, and, in typical fashion, consisted only of professional union activists, freed from their work duties. A few activists from other unions, including ZSP, also attended, to protest the working conditions in this shop.

One of the main demands of the workers, presented through the union, is that Carrefour change its policies regarding hiring. Right now, most employees are hired part-time, on fixed-term contracts or through outside firms. 70% of Carrefour employees are hired on "trash contracts".

Another problem is salary: take home pay is about 1000-1200 zloties per month - that is about 250 to less than 300 euros.

Carrefour management would not let the unionists into the building to deliver a letter with its postulates.


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