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Japan: Two Activists Arrested at Yasukuni, Tokyo. Your Help is Needed!


A Protest Statement against the Suppression Took Place Near Yasukuni Jinja Shrine

In the afternoon of 15th August 2010, two protesters against the ceremony of silent prayer in Yasukuni Jinja Shrine were arrested. The relief committee has confirmed the fact as follows.

On the day, before noon, tens of people gathered to protest against Yasukuni Jinja Shrine. But too many policemen and armed police force came and barred the way. So the action was canceled, and the group of people had to leave the place. They went on walking in the direction of Hanzomon Station, which is the opposite direction from the South Gate of the Yasukuni. The protesters walked on the sidewalk with the mass of policemen surrounding them all the way.

After a while, a car of a right wing group suddenly stopped in front of the protesters, and men rushed out of it. At the point, among many policemen, two plane clothes policemen pressed themselves against the comrade A. The police tried to pull the A out of other people. A chaotic situation erupted temporarily. Due to the protest by the people, the situation was once settled. However, the plane clothes policeman didn’t let go of the arm of the comrade A, and the A was dragged away. At that time a T-shirt wore by the A was torn up by the police.

Followed by the incident, the comrade B, who was near the spot, was pulled out and forcibly separated from the people by the police. The four policemen mounted on the B and violently attacked him. They squeezed his neck and kicked him. Furthermore, the B was dragged in his forehead being bashed on the hot asphalt. He was taken away with his head and hand wounded.

Later on, it was made clear that the comrade A was arrested on suspicion of ‘violation of the public safety ordinance’, while the comrade B on suspicion of ‘obstructing official duties’. But the comrade A did nothing correspond to ‘violation of the public safety ordinance’. The protesters, including two comrades, were on the way back from Yasukuni Jinja Shrine after cancelled their action, so didn’t organize such a ‘demonstration without permission’ that the police announced. Concerning the comrade B, some of mass media (Mainichi, Sankei, Jiji-tsuushin) reported that ‘He attacked policeman’ and slandered him. But this story, leaked by the police, is a lie. In reality, it was the B who was attacked.

Up to now the state power has committed the atrocities and brutalities on its people again and again. The two comrades never did acts of violence. Rather, the policemen attacked them violently. The police interfered with the people walking on the public streets, which essentially belong to the people. Who is exercising violence to block the opponent?

We never forgive such illegal and violent act. This is a gross insult and violation to humankind by the state power. We decisively protest against this illegal arrest and demand immediate release of the two comrades.

17th August 2010
815 Relief Committee (2010)

Please endorse our statement!

‘I / We endorse the "protest statement against the suppression brought about around Yasukuni Jinja Shrine"’

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-Would you mind if we publish your name on the list? Yes or No

Solidarity message if any:

We will publish your message on our blog.

Contact us on or kyuen_815 at
★Ask for Donation★
We urgently need financial support for lawyers and other expenses.
You can transfer donation money at Japan Postal Bank (ゆうちょ銀行).
Account Number: 00100-3-105440
Account Name: Kyuen Renraku Sentaa (救援連絡センター)
Please note “For 815 Relief Committee” on the postal transfer form.

(They always do nothing against the nationalists' violence. But anti-nationalists always to be attacked by the state. Please give us your solidarity massage to the attacked comrades.)


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