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Barcelona: Flightcare takes Revenge against CNT for Strike


After days of partial strikes in Flightcare Barcelona, the management has taken revenge on union activists. The following is a translation from the CNT:

Brutal Dismissal in Flightcare, Barcelona

Flightcare has dismissed the delegate of the Union Section of he CNT in a cowardly manner. We from the l'Hospitalet Local Federation of Trade Unions declare that this is a despicable act and shows that Flightcare, despite belonging to a multinational as powerful as Fomento de Construcciones y Contratas, deeply fears the mobilization of workers. Far from ending the labor dispute, what they have achieved is further aggravating the situation in a stupid and irrational manner. We will not allow the rights of workers to be mocked in this way and this is why we announced that we support the protests the Section is agreeing with the staff for the reinstatment of the dismissed workers and the negotiation of the organization of decent conditions on the work shifts.

In the current context of economic crisis, when firms take advantage to behave in a rogue and dictatorial way, that is when it becomes more necessary for the working class as a whole to make a tough and organized response against the employer mafia, the eternal exploiters in suits and ties, the economic pirates who in the workplace are men of flesh and bloods, with names, not invincible giants.


Immediate reinstatement of the dismissed!


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