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Spain: CNT Calls for Participation in the General Strike, September 29


Press Release from CNT:

The new labour reform that the PSOE intends to introduce is the biggest agression against workers' rights since the transition to democracy.

The day of the strike should serve as a trigger for further and broader mobilizations. A labour reform which they try to justify with the crisis, but which in reality is only aimed at giving more possibilities to the companies to make irregular contracts, ignore collective agreements and dismiss workers at less cost. A reform which will mean more temporariness and deregulation in hiring; a substantial reduction in compensation for unfair dismissal; enormous possibilities
for the companies to reneg parts of the collective agreements such as salary, hours or schedules. More precarity, more insecurity, less salary, fewer rights. That is how the government of the PSOE is.

But despite all that, this reform is only the tip of the iceberg. The reality is below. They are the poor working conditions in the overwhelming majority of companies, the continued breach of the collective agreements, getting less money than stipulated, working without insurance, having a half-time contract but working full-time; there is the obligation to work overtime if you don't want to get fired, or not get vacations, or to have to do the work they tell you, even if inappropriate. If you don't want to do this, they show you the door. Another part of this reality is the contempt which the ruler, politicians and media treat us, in which we are presented as lazy, unproductive and useless. We workers live knowing we are replaceable, that we are just trash that only gets work if we do it more cheaply than before. We live in fear of not knowing if tomorrow we will still get paid or simply eat.

And what are we going to do? Wait to see how they keep it all? Think that one day we might get a decent job? Elbowing each other to get the last benefit?

Those who want to do this, will be rewarded later with misery. But the CNT proposes that workers take another form of action: struggling for our rights and dignity. Without subisidies to the unions, without paid union activists, without political bargaining. Therefore, although we cannot assure anyone that we can topple this reform, we we can assert that we will give it our all. We call on all that want to be part of this struggle to come to our unions and organize in the CNT.

And also because of this we call for a General Strike on the 29th of September. So that this day of strike triggers the mobilizations that workers have ahead of us if we want to stop the Labour Reform. And restore our dignity.


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