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Nic zaskakującego. Dokładnie to jest w wytycznych MFW przygotowanych przez Marka Belkę:

To przecież nie Sejm ustala politykę społeczno-gospodarczą. Jak ktoś się łudzi, że można zmienić tę politykę wybierając innych polityków do sejmu, to lekko sie mija z rzeczywistością. Poniżej wytyczne MFW z powyższego dokumentu.

The substantial fiscal adjustment needed over the medium term will require
changes in entitlement programs. Given that statutory spending represents about ¾ of total expenditures, a durable expenditure reduction is unlikely to be achieved merely by the proposal to introduce a rule limiting the real growth of discretionary spending to one percent per year. Staff agrees, however, that such rules, reinforced by comprehensive expenditure
reviews, could prove helpful in controlling discretionary spending. Regarding statutory spending reforms, possible options include tightening pension indexation, rationalizing other benefits (sickness, disability, etc.), and increasing the flexibility of limits on defense spending.
These could be complemented with further revenue-enhancing measures, such as better linking contributions to income for the self-employed, extending coverage of the PIT to include farmers, unifying VAT rates at a higher level, improving the targeting of child benefits, and revamping the property tax system.


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