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ponieważ w systemie

ponieważ w systemie kapitalistycznym zapotrzebowanie ludzkości na żywność nie ma wielkiego znaczenia, a liczy się zapotrzebowanie kapitalistów na zyski i kontrolę jaka jest potrzebna żeby mieć te zyski

If the ‘food price crisis' is the result not of error and irrationality, but of planning and capitalist reason, what is its purpose? What objective/s is it supposed to achieve? More broadly, what is its significance from the viewpoint of the short and long-term trends in capitalist accumulation and class relations?

One sure answer to these questions is that the present food crisis is but the latest step in international capital's long march towards establishing its control over the main planetary sources of energy and value; food production being the key to the regulation of economic activities, wage levels, and labour power production in every part of the world. It is a long march that dates back to the colonial era, when not only were land and other natural resources expropriated, but export-oriented cash cropping and monocultures were implanted at the expense of the colonised people's subsistence needs. Since then, every new policy regarding agriculture and food production (at times involving ‘cheap' and at other times ‘expensive' food) has been shaped by the principle that those who control food production also control the political economy of the planet.


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