Dodaj nową odpowiedź

pewien anarchista, nie

pewien anarchista, nie pamietam w tej chwili kto, kiedyś powiedział że dla stalinistów przedwczesna jest każda rewolucja której nie są w stanie przechwycić w danym momencie :)

tu jest wywiad z wczoraj, nie widze tam żadnego hurraoptymizmu
wręcz przeciwnie wyjaśnia tam pare rzeczy jak na przykład kwestie klasowe w tym wszystkim i podział jaki się rysuje (klasa średnia chce je kończyć - przeszkadzają w biznesie - reszta protestować dalej)

The intervention of the working class in the movement is also another question mark, because definitely in some of the provinces where mass protests were organized they contained a majority of workers. But we still haven’t seen an independent movement by those workers. Except in very few cases. For example I received a report about a textile mill owned by a company called Ghazl Meit Ghamr in Daqahliya, which is a province in the Nile Delta. The workers there have kicked out the CEO, they have occupied the factory and are self-managing it. This type of action has also been repeated in a printing house south of Cairo called Dar El-Ta’awon. There as well the workers have kicked out the CEO and are self managing the company. There are two other cases in Suez, where the clashes were the worst with the security forces during the uprising. The death toll is very high in Suez, we don’t actually know the real death toll until now. In two factories there, the Suez Steel Mill and the Suez Fertilizer Factory, workers have declared an open-ended strike until the regime falls. Other than that we have not seen, at least to my knowledge, independent working class action.


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