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4.07pm: Mubarak's exit has not been enough to clear people out of Tahrir Square, nor has it been enough to persuade all workers to call off their strikes.

I've already mentioned the police walk-out but some 2,000 employees of the National Bank of Egypt have also been on strike today, reports Ahram online. It says they want the resignation of the bank's directors and restructuring of the wages within the company.

The journalist and blogger Hossam El-Hamalawy has also been tweeting details of various strikes, including by oil workers, public transport workers and environment ministry civil servants.

3.14pm: Reuters reports that the military is about to get tough with protesters, in a move that risks fresh confrontation:


Egypt's new military rulers will issue a warning on Sunday against anyone who creates "chaos and disorder", an army source said.
The Higher Military Council will also ban meetings by labour unions or professional syndicates, effectively forbidding strikes, and tell all Egyptians to get back to work after the unrest that toppled Hosni Mubarak.


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