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jeszcze wypierają się że

jeszcze wypierają się że ktoś zginął (jeśli budapestbamako to oficjalny kanał na jutube) :

No child has ever been killed or hit. Participants are encouraged to pay for killed animals.

The roadbook clearly states that you must stop and pay for the damage you caused.

The rally has brought over 2,000,000 Euros worth of aid to Africa. Participants donate ambulances to local communities. They dig wells. They build schools.

The Budapest-Bamako is the prime example of responsible travel and caring. The purpose of the rally is destroy the steretypes, fight racism and bring people together.
budapestbamako 1 day ago

This is a complete lie. The Budapest-Bamako Rally did not kill any children. The person who is not willing to give his name or face is lying on the video. Obviously he has no clue of what he is talking about. No one has heard of children being run over. The person with the blurry face says that he's worked with the "Rally Budapest" and the "Rally Paris Dakar". He's obviously confusing the two.
budapestbamako 1 day ago

na filmie ci ludzie wyraźnie mówią że widzieli że jakieś dziecko albo dwoje zostało przejechane, był tłum i ludzie zaczęli rzucac w nich kamieniami


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