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albo dzisiaj obalą Kadafiego albo on tam zrobi krwawą łaźnie:

4:09 pm Ahmed al-Berqawi, an eyewitness in Benghazi, talks to Al Jazeera by phone and tells us that 28 people have been killed there since yesterday. Today, there have been funeral marches for 13 dead alone, he said. Berqawi claimed that protests were continuing in Benghazi at the main courthouse, as other sources told Al Jazeera would happen after midday prayers.

"Women, children, judges, lawyers, engineers; all the Libyan people are out," he said. "The fear has been broken, the Libyan people have no more fear."

3:41 pm There is a fierce battle over the eastern Libyan city of Bayda, the Reuters news agency reports. Two Libyan exile opposition groups earlier claimed that that the city had been taken over by anti-government protesters who were joined by local police forces, but now it appears that government "militias" have been reinforced and are clashing with residents, who are fighting back "with any weapons they could find."

2:06 pm Deadly attacks on peaceful protests - that is what eyewitnesses are reporting from all over Libya. The country's "day of rage" has left at least 24 people dead, according to Human Rights Watch. Despite media restrictions in Libya - reports of protests and violence have emerged on the internet. Many amateur videos have also been uploaded, which cannot be independently verified.


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