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Warsaw: The activist for the rights of immigrants detained by the Border Guard

Oksana Makarenko, founder and active member of the Committee of Immigrants in favor of amnesty, was captured yesterday in Warsaw by the Border Guard and detained because of "lack of documents entitling holders to stay in Poland." She faces deportation and a ban on returning to the country.

Update: In court, the occupation lasts 82 Marszałkowska courtroom, which was not committed defender Oksana, an activist for the abolition of the "illegal" immigrants.

On Saturday, March 26 hr. 13:00 at the Column of Sigismund at Castle Square will be held solidarity picket with illegally deported immigrants.

Come to the picket to express solidarity with the illegally detained Oksana and thousands of other immigrants incapacitated, manipulated and intimidated by the state.


Oksana Ukrainian immigrant living in Poland for six years, very much engaged in activities on behalf of granting immigrants' fundamental rights and the legalization of their stay. "Immigrants in favor of amnesty," pay attention to systemic discrimination against hundreds of thousands of people in Poland who work here without any rights of workers, are deprived of access to public health and education, recognized by the authorities as "illegal" people hunted as a "second class" , are excluded from participation in the public sphere.

Read the Committee for Immigrant amnesty: Unregulated stays of foreigners in Poland: tackling

Oksana and her committee from the fear of immediate deportation, however, he organized public demonstrations, discussions, also created a very competent, an alternative draft law on amnesty, handed over to the Polish authorities in October 2010. Thanks to the commitment Oksana, thanks to hundreds of thousands of "illegal" in Poland is deeply interested in the media, government representatives and began to argue that this year will introduce new law on amnesty.

Along with the Committee, Oksana asked the Polish authorities:

On behalf of illegal immigrants, please right to a fair and dignified life. Living without fear of deportation, which condemns us to poverty, and many of the persecution and imprisonment for the views expressed (...) Let me leave without a deportation for those who want to leave, and to be those who want to be. Gain at this everyone: Poles and foreigners. This would be an example of true solidarity, which is famous for the Republic. Previous amnesties contained two requirements that make it impossible to use 99% of them illegal immigrants.

We know that we live here illegally, but none of us would break the law, if not a simple choice: either staying in Poland illegally, or your family does not have enough to eat. We are fellow citizens of Polish, where many of us have time to raise their children, who have no country.

Oksana Stop by the Border Guard may ruin her chances to benefit from the abolition of the future which she herself worked. Moreover, it even threatens to 3-month detention in a deportation center and a ban on returning to Polish for 3 years.

Oksana Makarenko hearing will be held today (Wednesday) at 10:00 am at the District Court Street. Marszałkowska 82 in Warsaw.

Oksana as friends and activists for the rights of immigrants, we want to support it our presence in this trial. Immersed in grief by the arrest of her, we are also convinced that the Polish justice system has nothing against the fundamental rights of nearly half a million people living in this country.

The extraordinary courage and Oksana activity will always be an inspiration for us to fight injustice system, which divides people into categories according to their origin and economic status. This fight will continue regardless of court decisions.

Recent events have shown that the procedures for deportation of fiction! Oksana was brutally stopped by the Border Guard and detained in custody as guilty of the crime of crossing the border, the limit laid down in the earth belonging to all people. Her crime is that she wanted to live in better conditions in a country other than the country of her birth.


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