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Porto, Portugal: Solidarity with revolutionary people in Spain


Today there was a small demonstration in Porto with around 30 people that brought instruments, and bikes with bells!, and went around town to present the manifest that was set up during the past days during popular assemblies on square Batalha, here in Porto. During 8 days there are about 20 people daily sleeping on the square and around 40 or 50 people participate in assemblies. and other activities.

The demo was a way to let more people know about what is happening here in the big cities on the iberic peninsula. People occupying squares and demanding for a direct democracy. Another reason was to involve more people in the actions and assemblies.

About 1,5 month ago a group of people occupied a schoolbuilding in a social neighbourhoud here in Porto. The school was abandonned for about 5 years. The local goverment who owns the building didn't do anything, while the people living in the area complained many times about nuisance caused by people entering the school in the night to strip and vandalize it. During 1 month that ithe shool was occupied more and more people got involved in the project. The neighbours liked the project and got slowely more involved. There were weekly meetings in which people could participate and propose activities that they wanted to organise. The school started to function as a selfmanaged project of the neighbourdhood where on daily base educational and social activities took place. Old and young participated.. Since the building got evicted the project didn stop. Activities are now taking place on daily base on a square in the area.

Some of the people involved went to a public meeting of the cityhall to argument reasons to reopen the school and be able to proceed with the project. At the same moment many others gathered on the square next to the city hall to demonstrate : what kind of activities were taking place in the school. There was a ciclooficina, different bands playing music, games and food.


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