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Continuous Update: Afternoon rally in Tower Square Ave
As time passes gathered more and more people in the Square Tower Avenue for which a call for an afternoon rally in Thessaloniki.
19:55: Around 800 people gathered in the Square Tower Avenue and discuss the next moves.
21:00: Over 1500 people are currently on Tower Avenue and is expected to decide their next moves.
21:25: Starting now march from the Square Tower Avenue to the city center. The world is estimated to exceed 3000.
21:40: The path started in the streets and reportedly will come to the town hall.
22:10: Increases the world on the path and surpasses the 4000. Currently the head of the state is in the Arch.
22:14: Egnatia to Hagia Sophia is currently the course, with a strong pulse.
22:55: The path soon crossed the Square Tower Avenue and continues to City Hall
23:15: In a few minutes to reach the hall way. The Hall is surrounded on each side with squads of riot police and cameras.
23:27: The path has ftasei City Hall and shout slogans.
23:37: The protesters returned to the Square Tower Ave.
The course has ftasei City Hall and shout slogans.
23:37: The protesters returned to the Square Tower Ave.
00:10: The National Defense, when the state returned to pl. Tower Avenue was attacked at a bank. Then a squad of riot police chased the demonstrators to the Square Tower Ave. The protesters remain in the Square Tower Avenue and squads of riot police are opposite on Victory Avenue in Etaireia Makedonikon study.

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